Reasons to Choose eCommerce Platform for Women Entrepreneurs

A successful business woman – What does it mean? Of course, a woman with status, money & power. Definition of a successful woman differs in this male-dominated business world. It is more concerned with going against the expectation, overcoming the odds and generating opportunities to be successful. Today, women endeavor to serve and become entrepreneurs in not only in banking or finance, but they came forward for healthcare, profession, technical services, social service and administrative industries. A recent data estimated that approx. 37 per cent of global businesses are owned by women and employing over 8 million workers and generate three times revenues every year. They left no stone to grab the marketplace and attention over the years and inspired the new generation. Founder & CEO of Teenage Success, Rebecca Deurlein believes if she is authentic, passionate about her work and always strive to do better then she will rise to the top. She further mentioned that ...