How to Create your Seller Account on SHEconomy

Details Completing Procedure
Service Sellers


1. Go to the SHEconomy page through this link -

        2.  Log in through SHEconomy page with you registration mail ID and Password.

        3. Then you will get a dashboard with your company name.


We have to fill 3 mandatory steps in dashboard

Website Heading









Note- Kindly Upload all the pictures in mentioned size in dashboard and the picture quality should be HD only.

1. Website Heading

In website heading you will find out drop down there. Then you have to fill the details about you company over there.

·         Shop Heading

·         Homepage

·         About Us

·         Policy

·         Contact Us




Shop Heading

In shop heading fill the below asked details

Shop Name*

Company Name*
Upload Logo (size should be as mentioned in columns-120x120)


Meta Tags work for Google searches
Meta Title* - Write same shop name here
Meta Description* - Write something about you company

Red stars filled are mandatory

Social Media Link

In social media links you have to paste your direct links of social media pages related to your Brand, Company. You can also paste the links of your personal account if you want. Like as mentioned below Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube







Upload Home Page Banner Images (1400x400) - Upload your company banner here Or you can also upload 3-4 pictures of your services here in mentioned size (1400x400)


Home Page Text Box – Here you have to mention a welcome note for your customers like
                                        (Welcome at __company name_ short company intro__)

Red stars filled are mandatory


                                                                   About Us

About Us- Here have to mention about your business your company. What kind of services you will provide in details, bullet point, with highlights.

 Red stars filled are mandatory


Refund Policy* - You have to mention your refund policy here like if someone buy your services and after few time they changed their mind and want to cancel the service, So according that you have to mention the cancellation policy here . Like in how many days they can cancel their services what is the procedure.

Payment Policy* - Here you have to mention your payment policy like how you will take payment of your customers the procedure.

Red stars filled are mandatory

                                                                  Contact Us

Contact Us- Here you have to mention the required details like- Contact Person Name*, Company Name* Address Line 1*, State*,  City*,  PIN / ZIP Code*,  Select your country*,  Email*,
Phone*  all are mandatory fills you have to mention everything only then you can save the page.

Red stars filled are mandatory

2. Settings

In settings heading you will find out drop down there. Then you have to fill the details related your company over there.

·        Payment Setup

·         Domain Setup

·         Seller Type Settings

·         Document Verification

·         Contact Us

                                                        Payment Setup

In payment setup we have 4 types of business payment gateways. Two for international payment and two for national payments. You can update all 4 gateways but two gateway are mandatory one is for national payment and one is for international payment.


For International payments- PayPal and Stipe are international payment gateways. Both are a kind of app that you can download and make your business account in that. After making account you have to generate a MID keys and Secret keys in that, also paste in the below payment method column on SHEconomy.


Links- How to create business account on PayPal:

           How to create business account on Stripe:

For National payments- Razorpay and Instamojo are international payment gateways. Both are a kind of app that you can download and make your business account in that. After making account you have to generate a MID keys and Secret keys in that, also paste in the below payment method column on SHEconomy.

Link- How to create business account on Razorpay :

         How to create business account on Instamojo:

Domain Setup


In Domain setup we are providing you a domain with your company name like- (your company Example-  If people will search through this link anywhere they will find out your dashboard only and with your products only.

Seller Type Settings


In seller type settings you can choose your account type like which type of account you have. Like what do you want to sell on our website Goods, Services and Both. You can edit it later also.


                                                                  Document Verification

In document verification you have to choose your account type like what kind of company and business you are handling. Then you have to put the details accordingly and upload the required document. Like- *Individuals,   *Sole Proprietors,  *Freelancers,  *Consultants, Registered Business/Company,  *Authorized Reseller,  *Partnership,  *Trading Company, *NGO

Red stars filled are mandatory

Manage Profile

The manage profile page is mainly for your dashboard you can manage your mail id and password here. It is for maintaining your profile only which is showing in dashboard.

1. Listing

Here you have to list your services by click on Add New Service

After Clicking on Add New Service your will got a form like below, In which your have to fill the required details and upload pictures to add your services in website.

Here you have to mentioned  
Red stars filled are mandatory

Service Name
- Your service name

Category *- Your service categories

Search Text *-Short keyword related to your services, Like whenever people do with searches those keywords so your services will show them, Please also add your categories in short key text.

Upload Brochure
- You have to add your brochure of your company if you have the brochure, Otherwise you can skip it.

Upload Images

Thumbnail Image
(290x300) * - Thumbnail images is like the first images that show on any services on      E-Comers website. When we search for any services. The image size should be (290 by 300) only and the picture quality should be HD and Attractive.

Thumbnail Images Example below

Main Images * - in main images you have to upload the 3-4 images of your Services if you have. The picture quality should be HD and Attractive.

Thumbnail Images Example below

Upload Videos
- here you have to upload videos of your services if you have any, on youtube Instagram etc. Otherwise it is not mandatory.


Meta Tags for Google searches
Meta Title-
In meta title you have to put the same name of your services as you mentioned on top.

Meta Description- In meta description you have to put the description of your service in bullet points in detail.

Meta Image – In meta Image you have to put the same image as you put in Thumbnail image.

Unit Price- In Price you have to mention the price of your services including tax, if you do not have any price on your service then you should have to put the basic amount.

Tax- You have to just mention the value of tax that you have add in your unit price , if your do not add any tax then skip it

Discount- If you have any discount on your services then mentioned it otherwise it is not mandatory.


Service Description- In Service description you have to write down the description of your services in bullet points or in detail.

Then Save the Service


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